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Robert and Foster

Robert and Foster

Robert and Foster

600 votes

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What's your purrmance story with your cat?
'Foster' was one of many single foster kittens that attended our home. When they were Black, male under 3 weeks and hand raised, they usually stayed. He lived his short life with us until he was 8yrs. old when on Feb.24/14, he experienced a blood clot in his front left leg and then just a few hours later, his front right leg too. The left front regained power but the right front did not. We choose euthanasia under the veterinarians advise stating that this would occur again but when was only a test of time.
My husband, Rob, has been 'extremely' tolerant of my passion for animals, always helpful, caring in all ways but somehow 'Foster' became "HIS" cat.
I have only seen my husband express extreme emotion a few times in our 33 yrs. together and those were the passing of close family members or our pets.
It's been just over a year and Rob still has 'Fosters' urn and two favourite toys (Hedgie and Hammie - both repaired/sewn numerous occasions by Rob) on top of his dresser in our bedroom, on display to be seen everyday.
Love to Foster and those other four pawed hearts who have touched us.
Michelle (and Rob).

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Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
102-30 Concourse Gate
Ottawa, ON K2E 7V7
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