Entry Category:
Darling Dogs
Entrant's NameAnnie
Pet's Age1 year
Pet's Story or BioAnnie showed at our remote cabin in Charlotte Co. VA. She was about 5 months old. She was covered with fleas and ticks, and had a pretty bad skin rash. She was surviving on ants and grubs. We checked with the Southside SPCA and local ads for lost dogs...there was nothing. We had her checked for a chip. There was no chip. We had her spayed and treated for all her ailments. She was about 25 lbs when she adopted us and is at about 45 lbs as adult. She has a great spirit and has been a blessing in our lives. She has been with us about year. Life is good!
When did you adopt your pet?She showed up our remote cabin in Charlotte Co. at about 5 months old. We check everything locally for lost ads. There was nothing.