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Pet's Age08/15/22
A little about me...My pup is a rescue and has worked so very hard at training & continuing education. He is the youngest & tiniest addition to the Roswell Therapy Dog group. I knew at 12 weeks he was special.I would take him shopping and people would flock to him. Strangers would share personal stories with me & Louie & by the end of the conversation strangers would be hugging and thanking us for listening. I knew it wasn’t me! Louie brings tears of joy, healing, laughter, and comfort to people. He eases minds, keeps people’s secrets, suppresses fears, gives his energy to others in need more than him. He’s amazing to watch work & amazing to see patients & people’s responses emotionally, mentally, & physically. People stand taller and ready to face what’s ahead of them. He’s a force to be reckoned with and gives all he has to help.🐾