Entry Category:
Hardest Working Purramedic
Entrant's First NameNoah
Pet's Age16
Pet's Story or BioNoah was found at around 5 weeks old, with his brother Jackson on Hwy 69 in Franklin TN; 16 yrs ago. His mother was solid white and had been hit by a car, and they were both standing by her.. waiting. :( . I scooped them both up, and hid them in my sweatshirt in my dorm room. His brother passed away 6 yrs ago to FIP. Sweet Noah has been my teddy bear ever since. He sleeps on my head or in my arms each night. He is my oldest "rescue" boy. He spends his days sleeping by the window or on my pillow. I don't have much time left with him, as he was diagnosed with lymphoma and renal failure. I would love to raise funds in honor of him, to help a rescue. Please vote for my sweet Noah!