Entry Category:
Sassiest Senior
Entrant's First NameLauren
Pet's Age15
Pet's Story or BioMonkey was found in the middle of a busy road in Dothan, AL in June 2002. She fit in the palm of my hand when I found her, so I can only guess that she was a few weeks old when she joined my life. I'll never know what happened for sure, but she wasn't using one of her back legs once I got her home from her ordeal in the street, and ultimately, that leg had to be removed. She got her name shortly after her surgery because when I brought her home, the first thing she did was hop out of her carrier just like a little monkey. :) It stuck. We celebrated her Catceanera :) this past June. My friend and local photographer, Stephanie Fisher, took some portraits to help me celebrate. Monkey is the best reason to celebrate!