Darth Booger aka BOOG
Darth Booger aka BOOG
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Pet's Age
Pet's Breed
Mastiff Mix
Pet's Story or Bio
So Boog is our new baby, although the old man of our crew now. We rescued him in September of this year. Like Midge, we had fallen immediately in love, but in this case, it was his golden honey, soulful eyes. There was just something about him and I knew I wanted him to live the rest of his years with me us.
He was found a year ago in Memphis in pretty horrible shape. He came in as a stray. When coming to see another dog, an angel of a lady named Jan, noticed him laying unresponsive and bleeding. So she got him some immediate help, and they ultimately found his skull was fractured in multiple places. He was also heartworm positive. She reached out to a dog rescue here in the burgh that works very closely with a rescue in Memphis to see if they would help, and of course they said, ABSOLUTELY. This lead to Boog getting taken to MSU to get metal plates in his face...they though two, but ended up needing four.
After that he went back to Memphis until everything worked out to get him up here end of August. We met him almost immediately and he was a perfect fit to balance out our wild child (who adores him). He is such a gentle and sweet giant.
Due to the facial surgery, he has sinus issues and unfortunate nasal discharge hence the name, Boog, lol.
My love Boog & Boogie bear.
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