Voting Ends 2/28/2025 at 8:00:00 PM Eastern Time

Barney R.

Barney R.

Barney R.

25 votes

Pet's Age
7 years


Please share any fun facts or information about your pet, their interests, what makes them special, the story about how they became your pet, or anything else you’d like to share!
Barney came to us in March 2020. After we lost our two dogs in August 2019 within a week we decided to take time to grieve & do some traveling. We did not plan for the world to shut down and have to be home. Being home all the time is one thing but being home all the time with no animals is worse. We decided we would foster until things opened up. Barney was our second foster through Berea ARF. When we took our first foster back for her meet and greet we were asked if we would foster a male coonhound that was coming back from having his back leg and tail amputated due to being hit by a car. He needed a place to rest and recover. We said ok not knowing what a coonhound was or having experience with male dogs. By the time he was healed he decided he would adopt us as his new family. Life hasn’t been the same since. We go on walks anywhere we find and he’s known by name during many of them. He doesn’t realize he’s missing a leg so don’t tell him if you see him. We’ve never been so happy to fail at something so meaningful.

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