Contest has ended. Eastern Time




575 votes

Fundraising Goal

Raised $575
Goal $500

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Dog's Age

Your Name
Lynn Dittman

City and State
Collierville, Tennessee

Please tell us something fun or interesting about the dog in the photo. Is this a Belly Rubs dog? If so, how long has he or she been a part of your family? Can you share something special that we could include on our calendar if your photo wins?
Chloe is our very first Basset. In early 2008, we went to the local shelter intending to become volunteers, and there she was, out in the lobby in her crate. She had been dropped at the shelter the day before - her former owner complaining that she wouldn't respond when called, didn't like to ride in the car, and was basically untrainable. Undeterred, we brought her home the very next day. Within two days, she responded to her (new) name, leapt into the car for an outing, and learned three commands. She now obeys several others. Chloe is a very smart little girl, but a bit on the crafty side, so she does bear watching! She has had three sisters - all Belly Rubs alum - and although she is the smallest by far, she rules the Basset roost. We couldn't love our tiny girl more. Vote for Chloe!

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Belly Rubs Basset Rescue
P.O. Box 1082
Brentwood, TN 37024
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