Entry Category:
Top Pup
Pet's Age16
LocationRaleigh, NC
Tell us about your pet and why they should win!I am going to use the term rescue to apply to Tater. A woman was "giving" away puppies from the back of a van in a mexican restaurant parking lot I frequented in college. I ended up giving her a small amount of money, since she spun me a story about covering his costs up until them. Over the years, he ended up costing me over 10k in medical issues over his lifetime. But he was worth it. Who knew where he came from, she said he was a mixed breed pom.
I have fostered and adopted many dogs since, but he was one of a kind.
Tater Maurice. It was easy to love him, with his underbite and big personality. He would scream at the top of his lungs in a whine/wail when he saw a dog he wanted to meet on our walks. His best friend was a giant rottweiler he loved to try to hump. He would steal my roommates underwear and hoard them under my bed. We called him Tater the panty raider. He either hated someone or loved them, there was no in between. He once bit a friend's date, who turned out to be a total jerk. I think he was a good judge of character. He loved to watch tv and bark at things, and his favorite commercial was a vacuum one. For such a tiny pupper, his farts could clear a room.