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Entrant's NameGeena
Animal BioIndy is the sweetest, goofiest, most affectionate husky mix! She's almost 5 years old but frequently gets mistaken for a puppy due to her playfulness and initial timidness with other dogs. In true husky fashion, she loves to be alone and we will often find her curled up in closets, bathrooms or small spaces (always with the door closed). However, that's about the only husky trait she possesses - she doesn't bark, loves to swim and is incredibly affectionate... her classic greeting is a kiss on the lips! Her most notable characteristic is her sensitivity. Her ears go back and she hides if you raise your voice to her (or anyone in her proximity), she runs to cuddle and lick your tears when you're sad, and she hides behind my legs at the dog park whenever other dogs get aggressive with one another or play a little too hard. I feel so lucky to get to call Indy my dog <3