Mani the orange one (formerly Manatee) and Wally the black one(formerly Walrus)
Fundraising Goal
Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's NameDavid
Animal BioWhat can you say about these two...hmmm... My partner and I really don't know how we got along without these two! I had gone to my local SPCA in Victoria to meet Wally and well there was Mani with these gorgeous eyes looking at me so I came home with two cats instead of Mani is a giant love bug and suffers from having an orange wool brain ie:he isn't to bright but those looks and eyes sure do help him out! Wally is also a very loving cat that loves to ride about on your shoulder,he loves to diffle with anything and everything especially if your doing something. They were not a bounded pair when we got them but they sure are now.