Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's NameAlika
Animal BioMidnight aka Cherry Creek, aka Apollo, came from the Kamloops shelter to Vancouver. He was found injured in an area called Cherry Creek, hence his first name. Unclaimed or unwanted, he was brought to the Vancouver SPCA and became Apollo.
When I saw him on the SPCA adoption site, he looked miserable, and decided to give him a home. Apparently, he had issues – not using the litter box and nipping. Regardless, I decided the take a chance on that problem cat and named him Midnight.
The litterbox was never an issue, and nipping seemed to be connected to food. Thankfully I am a fast learner. Now with plenty in his bowl at all times he became much more relaxed; perhaps in his younger years he had to fight for it.
Midnight’s loves posing for the camera, snacking, cuddling and visits from his pooch friend Agnes.