Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's Namerosalie
Animal BioHi! My name is Bubbles. I am a ginger shorthair. I am 5 year young and I live with my hoomans in Vancouver. I was rescued 3 years ago from a hoarding situation with ~ 20 cats. I got sick when I was living there and I had to have most of my teef removed.
But now I live a happy, luxurious life. My hoomans take me hiking, kayaking, and camping. I love being in nature and going to pet-friendly patios.
With my four fangs, I enjoy a lot of tube treats. My favourite food is chicken churus. When I grow up I want to be a kitty real estate meow-nager. I have a lot of assets to manage - 5 cardboard houses!
For now, I am happy just being a meowdel for my hoomans. See my poses here : IG@vancity_bubbles