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Entrant's First NameSeirra
Animal BioTucker is a 1 year old Siberian Husky. Tucker came to me at 10 weeks old, during a rough point in my life. Shortly after he came home he got sick, very sick, he went through many different diagnosis, meds, scans, etc and yet through it all he was such a champ and always trying to be the light in everyone’s day. Tucker has been through so much including meningitis, pseudomonas aeruginosa and infected and crushed vertebrae's. Through it all Tucker has been a champ and even through his pain he’s always kept going for the people around him. We’ve been on a rough road and Tucker is ready to finish and beat this fight with his family along side him. I’m so thankful my baby came into my life and saved me when I needed him so I could save him when he needed me with the help of others! So here’s to the year we beat this negativity and bring out our positive sassy selves!