Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameSteve
Animal BioAs an international traveler and heartbreaker, it would be difficult to find a more loving or loyal cat than Sapphire, or one as such a distinguished gentle cat in his old age! Always craving the spotlight and attention, being a calendar cat seems to be his destiny.
After spending his first few years in a shelter in Ottawa, Sapphire was rescued into a home that gave him all of his favourite things in life--kibbles and cuddles--mixed in between lots of adventures and road trips with his owner. These early adult years were frequently spent as his owner's travel companion, making trips between Toronto and Ottawa often taking in the passing sights while perched in the passenger seat, and taking in all of the "ooh! look at the handsome kitty!" comments too. Always looking for more attention...unless, of course, he's hungry, then the priorities shift.
But those early trips only gave him a taste of the travel ahead, as he found himself living in the US for a while before making the cross-country trip from Ontario to BC in 2018. Regardless of where he was on the continent, Sapphire's way of acquiring adoring fans in pet clinics, car shows, and coffee shops everywhere was incomparable.
As old age started setting in and grey hairs started appearing around his eyes and face, his fans seemed to love him more! And he loved all of them too, especially if he could get some extra cuddles out of the moment! Just as Sapphire was preparing for his 20th trip around the sun, his heart grew weak and determined for him that he wouldn't be able to make one last journey. He passed on January 13, 2021, leaving behind a life of love, adventure, and adoring fans in two countries.