Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameTamara West
Animal BioHi my name is Miss Sophia Lauren. I am a 13yr old Exotic Shorthair. I love suntanning and being on my leather club chair for naps. I follow my mom and pop around wherever they go. I do not like when they cuddle me, they have to wait till I am ready. I have a very good routine down..Mom gets cuddles in the morning and Pop at night. I guess I have a typical Calico cat attitude.
I love my food. I beg all day, and am always ready for dinner at the table before anyone else. I wait patiently, lol, pawing at my owners arms for a bite of there meat or 2 or 3. I am very well loved and taken care of. They call me Princess Sophie as I feel I run the house and they let me, so I will keep on being me.