Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameLee
Animal BioReturned to the SPCA 3 time before we adopted him in Victoria. He just wanted a forever home, we had him for about 3 years, the best years of his life. When we got him he needed life-saving surgery which we gave him. I took him on the back of my motorcycle in his cage to get his nails trimmed and he didn't seem to mind. He loved our Maine Coon Athena, they were inseparable. Then one day we noticed that he had lost a lot of weight, he slept on his scratch post perch so it took us a while to notice. We took him to the vet and the prognosis was not good, cancer, so we had to put him to sleep. It was a very sad day. Poor Zues couldn't catch a break he was very laid back and very lovable. So, this picture is when he was happy and smiling.