Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameLaurie
Animal BioLoki had a hard start to his life, he was brought into the Burnaby SPCA at 6 weeks old with a badly broken jaw. Thankfully he had successful surgery to repair it. I got him at 8 weeks old and fostered to adopt him. Once a month until he was 6 months old I took him to the Veterinarian dentist specialist in Vancouver. Where they checked his teeth alignment. Unfortunately they determined that his adult teeth were not lining up properly. He then had all the upper teeth on the left removed. I then could officially adopt him because he had a clean bill of health! He doesn’t seem to mind his missing teeth, he eats with no problem.
He’s a feisty little guy and is a great source of amusement. He lives with his two fellow feline tuxes, Jojo (adopted from the Catfe) and Mila (adopted from Vancouver SPCA)
Loki is just turning 2 years old. This is a recent picture of him on our back fence. He does get outdoor time but harnessed to protect him from the wild things in our neighborhood.