Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameDeb
Animal BioIn the wee hours of the freezing cold January '02, Kismet was found (with her three newborn kittens) sealed in a box and thrown in a dumpster on 148th St in Surrey. By sheer luck, she was discovered by the neighbourhood Binner, who brought them to me, almost suffocated and frozen to death. The SPCA was already filled to capacity with cats/kittens, and it took about 1 minute for me to fall hopelessly in love with all four of them, eventually finding a home for one kitten, and keeping Kismet and her son and daughter, Chance & Amy. The kittens have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but Kismet, at almost 19 years old, is still my faithful loving companion - and the thorn in the side of my 21-year-old Calico, Mack!