Entry Category:
Entrant's First NameJoanna
Animal BioI never thought I wanted or needed a dog. My husband asked and asked for years but I didn't want a dog. I am disabled, I have severe osteoarthritis which makes everything extremely painful for me, and wouldn't be fair to bring a dog into our home if simply walking is so painful. When my hubby's brother's dogs had puppies, he begged for us to have one. We discussed that it would be his dog and he would care for and look after it. My hubby wanted to include me in the process, so he asked me to choose a puppy and a name as well. There were 8 chubby pups wandering around and my hubby fawned over each one of them, but in all of the excitement he didn't notice the little chunk that followed behind him everywhere he was walking. When I told him I had made my decision, that the one following him everywhere had just chosen him, he was confused to say the least!
We named her Fiona and she was born on my Grandmother's birthday! She has given us so much happiness from the time we brought her home. She somehow knows when my pain is unbearable and I can't walk very well, she will stop and wait for me, looking behind her then take a few more steps with me. She knows what the word "help" means, she comes running when she knows I need her help, nudging at me when it hurts to stand. When I'm feeling depressed she gets in my face and gives me kisses or tries to shove her face in my armpit which she knows makes me laugh hysterically. She is my helper in the garden, pulling the hose behind me or breaking up roots and helping with yard waste. She protects me from the dreaded vacuum and goes into crazy mode mouthing and barking at it. She makes me laugh before I even attempt to get out of bed in the morning, and snuggles beside my legs at night. She is my shadow and I love her to pieces. And yes my hubby is a bit jealous that she is seems more my dog than his, but she longs for the time when he comes home from work and they have their reunion, he gets his coffee and she gets her baby carrots for snack. When she knows he is going out, she comes and leans on my legs as she knows I will ask him if he is taking her along for a ride. She understands so many words that we find ourselves sometimes spelling things in front of her. She has helped me in so many ways and continues to help every day. I am so thankful to have her in our lives and love that she is a part of our family forever.