Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameCindy
Animal BioSmerdyakov came to us as a one-pound, blue-eyed kitten from a Kijiji ad. He's now 3 years old and fifteen pounds of sass and love. He's our protector and healer, always there when we need love and soothing purrs. He is our funny kitten and still sometimes crab-walks with a humpy tail when he is up to no good. He loves playing tag with his momma and poppa throughout the house, especially in the mornings. 'Schmeeps' absolute favourite thing is gardening out back with his poppa. His strengths are digging up freshly planted seeds and fertilizing the rhubarb. He has a particular fondness for water straight from the fish tank and he has a gift for redesigning leather furniture.