Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameTeressa
Animal BioKitty came into the Nelson SPCA with more than sixty of her siblings/house mates from a hoarding situation. She had an upper respiratory infection and was presumed pregnant. It turned out that Kitty was much sicker than we thought. She had to have emergency surgery for a pyometra. We fostered her through her recovery. We named her Kitty so as not to become attached to her. This was futile. She had more love to give than any one of us could have ever imagined. She is the sweetest and most affectionate cat I have ever owned. Kitty thinks she is a princess and, of course, she is. She is often draped around my husbands shoulders like a scarf. She spends hours up there. Kitty's most endearing quality is how she carries around a spongy ball with her. She howls and yowls numerous times a day making sure everyone knows she has her ball. She adores our son. She follows him around hoping he'll carry her wherever he goes. So he does without hesitation. Kitty's love is not limited to humans. She loves our other cats and although our boy Luke still isn't sure how he feels about her she is relentlessly trying to win his love. Kitty will snuggle up next to him while he is asleep and next thing you know she has become his warm vibrating pillow. Our other boy Jimi is happy to have her in the home. She is the goofy playmate he's been waiting for. Each evening as we all settle in to read or watch TV all three of them are perch on each of our laps. Kitty has each of us under her spell and we couldn't be happier to be spellbound.