Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameSheila
Animal BioSadly Asha died last September unexpectedly from cancer. So unfortunate, healthy all along and only in her thirteenth year. She was truly much more than a beloved family member, she was a real "Godsend". My niece in Ontario trusted her to me when she was four years of age. Still hard for us siblings to wrap ourselves around the fact Asha was born on the exact date our father passed. We found it out from her adoption papers after she had settled in with us. She was always gentle, playful and curious, enjoyed the company of family and visitors, purred heartily all the while. She joined our guinea pig and respected him from the start beautifully. She loved a lot her head scratched, her tummy rubbed and her fur brushed. She was also preciously a natural pet therapist to our late mother, comforted her with ease through the years with her health slowly deteriorating, smoothed out numerous rough patches. We believe Asha was granted to us on mission on borrowed time. We miss her dearly.