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Entrant's First NameDenise & Wilfredo
Animal BioWe found Bonita in Lima, Peru in a street that sold dogs. They kept the dogs in very bad conditions and often took the puppies away from their mothers way too young. If they didn't sell the dogs, they would turn them out onto the street where they would have to fend for themselves. Its very sad and really I wanted to take every dog with me to Canada. The practice of turning dogs into the street is widespread in Peru when owners can't take care of them anymore or similar. Bonita started licking our faces and we could not leave her there - she was ours. We had to keep her in Peru for few months with my mother in law who named her Bonita. She was too small and sick to come back to Canada at time we found her. Luckily the vet in Nasca in the South is an awsome Vet and between her and my in-laws, they nursed her back to health and she gained enough weight to allow us to travel with her on Air Canada. We went back to Peru few months later to pick her up and she has made this her home although she still hates rain and snow. She was only about 6 weeks old when we found her and now she is 9.
Lima by the way shut down the street that sold the dogs as there are more people in Peru trying to stop cruelty to animals.
She has an aversion to blow dryers and does not like people touching her feet except us but we assume its because the shop in Lima used to blow dry the dogs all the time to keep them fluffy looking.
She still loves to lick us in the face and likes to greet other people and other dogs. She has a very good temperament. She is a maltese/shih tzu cross. She has her favourite dogs in the neighbourhood, i.e Cosmo, Beryl, Louie, Aji. She is very much a daddies girl and follows her papa Wilfredo everywhere. She loves her little stuffed dog pillow and likes to play with it every chance she gets - she has had it since she was little and its looking a tad worn. She is our little girl and we love her very much.