Entry Category:
Cats & other amazing pets
Entrant's First NameDM
Animal BioWhen I lost my first rescue, Kasey 'bubby' Finnegan in 2010, to say I was devastated was an understatement. While my family and friends watched me grieve, my sister and mom gently encouraged me to adopt another rescue - but I was hesitant, knowing i could never have that same bond that I had with Kasey. Then I found Brie. We met on-line. It was a Saturday night, I was a glass and a half into a bottle of cab sauv, and I was surfing the net, looking at cats available for adoption, as you do (no? just me?) - and there she was. She had been at the shelter for 6 months and nobody wanted her - but I knew instantly I did. She was 5 and I was 42 at the time (a reasonable age difference, in my opinion). When we got home, I quickly found out Brie is not 100% cat - she has a healthy dose of mischievous monkey, her signature move, the flop, makes me think she has a bit of fish in there, and she has a little piggy tail - but her sweet cuddles are all cat. A few years ago, my sister and I were debating if we could have one superpower, what would it be - she said "I know what Brie's superpower is - she heals broken hearts". True dat, SP, true dat.
p.s. Brie is also a breast cancer survivor - no big deal. She had the first tumour / mammary chain on the right side removed in 2012, and the second tumour / mammary chain on the left removed in August 2017.