Contest has ended. Pacific Time

"Look, Mom, no cavities!"

"Look, Mom, no cavities!"

"Look, Mom, no cavities!"

484 votes

Fundraising Goal

Raised $359
Goal $250
Photographer Name
Ann Marie Lum

Date/Year of Photo

Location of Photo: (BC photos only)
Kyuquot Sound, Vancouver Island, BC.

This description may appear alongside winning photos featured in prize items.
I was thrilled to capture this happy-go-lucky sea otter playing in the ocean. It was continuously diving up and down with the waves, embodying pure joy and freedom. At one point, it yawned, giving me a glimpse of the inside of its mouth; its teeth were immaculate, with no tartar or cavities. I feel blessed to have spent some time watching this beautiful animal, carefree and at peace in its natural habitat.

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