Tiny Visit from Tiny Owl
Tiny Visit from Tiny Owl
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Photographer Name
Linda Holton
Date/Year of Photo
Location of Photo: (BC photos only)
Lands End, North Saanich, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Description of Photo
I stepped onto my deck and noticed this Northern Saw-Whet Owl perched on the end of the narrow railing about 15 feet from my door. I quietly retreated to get my camera and tiptoed back outside. On my return a minute later I was relieved to find him still sitting there, as though meditating or posing for his portrait. As I slowly focused the camera we had intense eye contact. There was not a sound and time seemed to stop. I clicked for the shot which broke the silence and a second later he disappeared as though by magic. He was never seen before this and never seen after. The honour of my tiny visit with this tiny perfect owl was fleeting and ephemeral - as with the experience of a beautiful rainbow, an ethereal sunrise, or a raging thunderstorm - but will remain delicately imprinted on my soul forever.
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