Entry Category:
Backyard Habitats
Date/Year of Photo05 September 2016
Location of PhotoReifel Bird Sanctuary in Ladner, British Columbia
Description of Photo"Take-off": Last year, I visited the Reifel Bird Sanctuary for the first time and since then have visited very often with my 10 and 5 year old daughters. Due to their speed and rapid movements, initially, I found it extremely difficult to photograph hummingbirds but I kept going back and taking more pictures. Every hummingbird picture I see online is either one in flight or feeding (when the bird hovers/sits for few seconds at a time) and that is what most of my recent images have been. However, the image I was able to capture was that of a humming bird lifting off from the bird feeder, hence the title, "Take-Off". One of its legs is still on the bird feeder. As I was using flash on full power that day, I couldn't take rapid shots. With a lot of patience, a bucket load of luck and a whiny 5 year old tugging on my jacket asking for a loonie to buy bird seeds, I was able to make this image of the hummingbird taking off from the bird feeder.