Entry Category:
Best Athlete
Entrant's NameAngelique
Pet's Age4.5
I am in this category because...Picture it: Chicken Night, March 2021
Waffles KNOWS there are bones on the very back of the counter. He feels it in his bones. But, at a short 15 inches at the shoulders, Waffles knows he needs to kick it up a notch and use his basset length to reach his goal.
He lines himself up under the counter, and with a tremendous LEAP gets about 6 inches of air between his back houndie feet and the floor. Using a trick he learned from breeching sharks, he arches his body sideways trying to get more stretch to reach his goal. HE'S ALMOST THERE! But dang-it, he missed.
As he is winding up again, his tired mother says "Oh good gravy, NO!" and goes and takes the magical bones away. They are placed in the outside trash, thus destroying his dreams but keeping him safe. But the story of his athleticism is shared for weeks to come.