Entry Category:
Cats and Critters
A little about me...Daphne (Tabby) and Chloe (Tortie) are 2 bonded sisters, having been saved from Rescues a few months apart. Both kitties are sweet and loving. Chloe, the older sister by 6 months enjoys spending her time doing ‘cat things’ like unrolling toilet paper, batting her ball around, or watching ‘cat tv’, the birds and other wildlife through the window. Daphne is the calmer sister, opting for more nap time than play time, but isn’t afraid to let you know when she wants some attention! She gives great head butts or adorable face plants against your arm, leg or wherever until she’s satisfied with the number of pets she’s received. You wouldn’t know it by looking at them, but both these girls are 13 years old, and are are so loved. They’re often told they’re the softest kitties in the world (by their parents and strangers alike!)