Voting Ends 10/31/2024 at 12:00:00 PM Eastern Time

Sebastien Charles

Sebastien Charles

Sebastien Charles

95 votes

Is Your Pet an AWLA Alumnus?

Please provide a brief bio of your pet:
Sebastien was one of 5 kittens born in our home to a mother cat whom our family was fostering for AWLA. He stole our hearts and ended our 6-year career of fostering for AWLA, as when we adopted him we discontinued our fostering role. Sebastien loves to play fetch and supervise most activities in our home; he meows for his dinner and enjoys daily brushing and more frequent belly rubs. He welcomes guests with his enthusiastic zest for companionship. He especially loves navigating cardboard tunnels and ambushing his cat brother. He knows his name and loves to be called by his more informal nickname, Red.

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Alexandra Schmeling
Erinn Shirley
Animal Welfare League of Arlington
2650 S Arlington Mill Dr
Arlington, VA 22206
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