Voting Ends 10/31/2024 at 12:00:00 PM Eastern Time

Juanito Waters-Oliveras

Juanito Waters-Oliveras

Juanito Waters-Oliveras

30 votes

Is Your Pet an AWLA Alumnus?

Please provide a brief bio of your pet:
Nito was one of a five pups litter found under a car with mom & dad in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Mom & Dad ran away but the pups were rescued by a local rescue volunteer. Nito came to us with the most stunning set of insistently upright ears or as we call them; his SuperPowerEars! He is gentle, loves butt scratches, hours of walks, cuddling in bed, TREATS! and most important Deck Time any season of the year - he loves the sun and patrolling for sassy squirrels and darting chipmunks expertly. He is a bit shy with people but loves a couple of neighbors for their expert scratching abilities.

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Alexandra Schmeling
Erinn Shirley
Animal Welfare League of Arlington
2650 S Arlington Mill Dr
Arlington, VA 22206
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