Voting Ends 10/31/2024 at 12:00:00 PM Eastern Time

BamBam - Official Mascot of Clarendon Animal Care

BamBam - Official Mascot of Clarendon Animal Care

BamBam - Official Mascot of Clarendon Animal Care

470 votes

Fundraising Goal

Raised $265
Goal $500
Is Your Pet an AWLA Alumnus?

Please provide a brief bio of your pet:
BamBam is the Feline Practice Manager and Official Mascot at Clarendon Animal Care's North location. He was rescued from a hoarding case as a kitten, and has made himself at home here over the past 4 years. His duties as Feline Practice Manager include supervising the treatment area, staring at birds from the front window, taste testing the treats in exam rooms, and occasionally berating the staff for not sharing their lunches with him. Despite the fact that his staff provide him with a very fashionable wardrobe, he can often be found lounging in the nude.

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Donate $25 for votes and receive an additional 25 votes. That's a total of 50 votes for every $25 that you donate. Promotional votes are given on a per-single-donation basis. Multiple donations that are less than the required minimum donation to receive promotional votes will not be added up to reach the minimum donation to receive promotion votes. Ends 10/23/2024 at 11:00:00 AM
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Alexandra Schmeling
Erinn Shirley
Animal Welfare League of Arlington
2650 S Arlington Mill Dr
Arlington, VA 22206
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