Entry Category:
Other Mammals
Entrant's NameFreda
A little about me...In 2016, during one of my many therapeudic visits to a rehab rescue farm, I met Sister Sharon an off-track thoroughbred race horse who was injured and whose future was very dim. Without the dedication, love and care from Kimberly Clark who runs this organization, Sister Sharon may have shipped to auction for slaughter. I was just diagnosed with the most aggressive form of breast cancer and my many visits gave me solace and took me back to my childhood when I got my first pony at age 12. She looked forward to my daily visits of endless brushes, and rubs, conversations (I talked…she listened) apple slices and carrots. But,it was I who couldn’t wait to see her! I can’t explain the excitement that came over me. It restored my self-confidence and helped regulate my mental health that was on an endless roller coaster. Then one day, I received the news
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter/rescue organization, let us know what organization. If they're an Animal Welfare League of Alexandria alum, their photo will have a special badge in the printed calendar!Thorough Placement Resources (TPR)