Entry Category:
Other Mammals
Entrant's NameOlivia
A little about me...Buttercup and Westley were adopted from AWLA in 2017 as a bonded pair of house bunnies. Buttercup passed away in February. We don’t know what her life was like in the three years before she came to be the big boss here, but we basked in the glow of her beautiful disapproval for a glorious 7 years. She chinned everything to claim it and we called her the Supervisory Bunny Specialist because she made her many opinions clear by shoving us with her nose or protest laying down in front of the vacuum. For someone silent, the house feels so quiet without her. Westley is living his best bachelor bun life and learning to push us around in her place and cause a solo ruckus. We all miss her and this entry is in her honor.
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter/rescue organization, let us know what organization. If they're an Animal Welfare League of Alexandria alum, their photo will have a special badge in the printed calendar!AWLA