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Entrant's NameNancy
A little about me...My dog's name is Sparkle and it fits her personality perfectly! She's a Havanese who loves to prance down the street and greet everyone. If you have a treat in your pocket, be prepared for some excitement. She is also my walking buddy and we like to get in our 3,000 steps before breakfast. Then she does her happy dance when I fill her food dish. Sparkle has a box full of toys, but her favorite thing to play with is an empty Nespresso box. She likes to chew it to pieces. She also enjoys tunneling under the cover on "her" couch and knocking off all of the pillows so that I have to pick them up. (She has me well trained.) Sparkle is my best friend who makes me laugh, loves to cuddle and greets me with a wagging tail and a happy bark when I come home. In short, she's the best dog in the world and deserves to be "Alexandria's 2024 Animal of the Year!"