Entry Category:
Type of MediaDrawing/Painting/Printmaking
Artist StatementAnger Management 34" by 34" - Acrylic on Canvas by Kai Parham. An abstract painting produced on a day when the frustrations of vision loss were at an all-time high.
BioKai Parham (aged 20) is fully blind in one eye and massively visually impaired in the other and battling with short term memory loss since being diagnosed in July 2017 with an irremovable brain tumor (Grade 2 Bilateral Thalamic Astrocytoma). His abstract art pieces are created utilizing acrylic paint, pouring medium, and gravity. This technique allows the paints to do its own thing with stunning organic color blending results. Each pour painting is as unique as the moment it was created in. A once highly energetic, overactive, nature enthusiast who used to spend the majority of his time at the skate park, in the bush, or in the ocean now needed a new outlet. Introduced to art by his mother Kai dove in full steam ahead.