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"Ostrich Eggs" happily laid at 3RR, uniquely crafted
DescriptionI chose to call this piece “Mu’o” which means ‘little bud’ in Hawaiian. Like a flower bud is poised to go into full bloom the egg is also a symbol for the potential of a full life or the birth of something awaiting full expression. All materials are sourced from the beaches of Hawaii island even the rhinestones are from a lost bejeweled hair clip found on the beach!
BioIt's a long way from Albany in upstate N.Y. but Denis Goodbee eventually found himself in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1990. After a few years and a few jobs he decided to return to school with a focus on painting and drawing. and graduated from the University of Hawaii Manoa with a bachelor of fine arts degree in 1997. Now residing in S.Kona, his current media of choice is sea shells and assorted found objects from the local beaches. Many island cultures have used sea shells in their arts and crafts expression so he feels as though he's carrying on an old tradition with a new twist.
Learn more about Dennis and his work at www.dennis-goodbee.artistwebsites.com
To see the auction and support the animals visit https://www.charityauctionstoday.com/auctions/Artists-for-Animals-Eggsellent-Auction-15596