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"Ostrich Eggs" happily laid at 3RR, uniquely crafted
DescriptionOstrich egg shell that is carved, dyed with black leather dye and then waxed with white liming wax, which gives it the denim look. Repurposed 2" copper pipe that was fold-formed using a 50 ton hydraulic press.
The inspiration for this piece derives from my fascination with the helix form found throughout Mother Nature, combined with my interest in ancient tribal iconography. This is an interactive piece, with the shell not attached to the copper base, which encourages the viewer to move the two elements around in relation to each other...think of it as a collaboration between the materials, the artist, and the imagination of the viewer as they contemplate the back story behind the title.
BioAbout the artist. "Rick Crawford has been an artist/maker since early childhood. He has explored various media over the years, including a period in the 1980's as a commercial and fine art photographer. His primary work today centers around woodcarving and jewelry making utilizing found objects and repurposed material. He shares these skillsets when he participates in the various international artists collaborations that are held in different locales worldwide."
See more of Ricks work at rickcrawfordstudios@gmail.com
To see the auction and support the animals visit https://www.charityauctionstoday.com/auctions/Artists-for-Animals-Eggsellent-Auction-15596