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"Ostrich Eggs" happily laid at 3RR, uniquely crafted
DescriptionA lovely egg with a nature inspired design by the well known Big Island artist, Cliff Johns. He says that he carved the ostrich egg with a hapu fern design. The finish is a seven step bronze primer with paint. It is then sprayed with an agent that gives the egg patina.
BioCliff is Originally from Seattle, where he was a general contractor that specialized in high end waterfront restaurants. He retired in 1998 and shortly thereafter moved to Kona where he transformed his woodturning hobby into a profession and received many awards throughout the years. His work can be found in the Honolulu Museum of Art as well as many galleries on The Big Island, many private collections around the world and on the Hokulea sailing vessel.
See more of Cliffs work at www.cliffjohns.com
“To see the auction and support the animals visit https://www.charityauctionstoday.com/auctions/Artists-for-Animals-Eggsellent-Auction-15596