Molly, Emma, and Jackson
Molly, Emma, and Jackson
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What makes your pet a star?
I couldn't just pick one of my Beagles. All 3 of them are precious to me.
Jackson has been with me for 14 years and he is still going strong. He likes to stay with me when I am in the kitchen, but unfortunately he refuses to do the dishes. Emma is 6 years and she is my little wiggly girl. She is always under my feet and I am afraid one of these days she will be responsible if I end up with a broken leg. Molly is almost 3 and she is my shy one. She ran away on the first day I adopted her a little over one year ago. I looked for her every day for 2 weeks. It is hard to imagen the relief I felt when I finally found her. It took lots of patience and love to finally make her feel that she is part of our little family.
Volunteer First Name
Department(s) you Volunteer
Animal Shelter all over, but mostly dog area
How long have you volunteered for the City of Arlington
12 months
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