Entry Category:
Decorated Tree or Holiday Item
Entrant's NameSue C
Designer(s)Sue Chabot
Hand-Crafted DecorationsYes
Story/MessageThis is dedicated to the memory of too many good friends taken by the scourge of cancer....
the size is 24" by 28" tall
The inspiration: I have always been captivated by the possibility of miniature "alternate worlds" existing somewhere. I loved early childhood stories of fairy realms tucked among the forest flowers, to Peter rabbit and his mother and sisters comfy in their underground warren. As I grew older, I loved imagining the family of "The Borrowers" living just under my floorboards. Then, I graduated to adult allegories set in wildly imaginative worlds, such as "Watership Down" and, of course, Tolkein's extensive Hobbit world. So when I saw a picture of a similar little "fairy house" in a gardening journal, I became inspired to build one myself.
The process: The towers are cut down sonotubes (I thank my good friend with table saw skills!). I applied mastic and "shower pebble" tile and grouted it all --- very messy! The roofs are constructed of heavy craft paper and copper paper, and the shingles are cut from sandpaper and hand painted. Unfortunately, this is not weather proof, so "Hobbit House Santa" will have to live in his own "alternate world"...on my porch!