Entry Category:
Pet's AgeDeceased
Your Pet's Story or BioSmitty was our First Family Pet. A friend of ours rescued her, I was told she was a "Russian Blue". She had already been declawed & spayed. She was in indoor cat but she enjoyed a daily outing. One day we heard her meowing outside & was injured & could not walk. My Brother had just been killed in a car accident so all I could do was place her in a quiet spot with food and water & comfy bed. She loved laying in the sun, so after the funeral we tended to Smitty. We carefully carried her out to a sunny area on our door stoop where we could see her. We were about to call the Vet when she was meowing at the door. I opened the door, she walked in like nothing every happened to her!
AMAZING Cats do have 9 "LIVES"!!!!!!!