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Entrant's Name
Sue K
Your Pet's Story or Bio
Spencer is the most loving creature and my best buddy. We've been through a lot, but I almost missed out on having him in my life.
I just wasn't ready after my beloved Benji had died, but my boss told me about a sheltie puppy who badly needed a home.
From the moment I saw Spencer, who sat next to me and put his paws on my chest, I knew it was right.
He's almost 16 now and neither of us are as spry as we used to be, but we have had a lot of fun over the years.
I taught him how to jump through a hoop, catch a Frisbee, and other fun tricks. He's a good snuggle buddy.
And when I go to work, he understands. I give him a kiss and tell him "mommy loves you". But he's known that from the start.
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