Lizzie & Roo
Lizzie & Roo
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Salisbury, Maryland
A little about me...
Hey everybody, this is Roo. I’m the setter with the shorter hair and I’m an A&B rescue from Istanbul, Turkey. I’ve been an American citizen since 2020 & boy do I ever consider myself one lucky guy to have been picked up by the great rescuers of A&B! The leading lady in this pic is my sister Lizzie AKA the Diva. She’s a beauty Queen dropout as she was once a show dog but I hear her butt was too big & her front teeth are crooked so her previous owner just up & gave her to my parents. Anyway, I’m submitting our pic cause I think we’d be a perfect pic for the February centerfold. February is all about love and I sure love A&B, my parents, the USA & my sister, Lizzie…even though she does boss me around sometimes. Won’t you please vote for us ? I know I’m no show dog like Lizzie, but I’d sure love to have bragging rights of being a centerfold! Much love, Roo
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