Thierry & Michael with Loïc & Liam
Thierry & Michael with Loïc & Liam
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What's your purrmance story with your cat?
Loïc and Liam are brothers and best friends, who came into our lives in December 2014 courtesy of Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue. They were classified as special needs cats due to being FIV+ then (since proven false positives) and the refuge absolutely wanted to keep them together, as Liam depended very much on his brother. When we went to see them with their amazing foster mum Melissa, Loïc rushed over to greet us, knowing we were the right ones for him and his brother and that was it: we could not refuse. Every single day they have filled our lives with love, laughter, life and joy and we have watched their characters unfold in amazing and surprising ways. We could not say who looks after whom, but we can say: this is what a family looks like and we treasure every moment with Loïc and Liam.
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