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Livvy (Olivia)

Livvy (Olivia)

Livvy (Olivia)

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Livvy is a VERY special girl. She is a young mother from a puppy mill. She gave birth when she was 8 months old to 5 puppies. A few hours later Livvy was dumped with her puppies in a parking lot at a shopping mall. A vet was notified and rescued the family, kept the puppies and lIvvy safe until the puppies were old enough, found them homes but Livvy needed a home.. that's when we found each other.:-) She was tired, hungry, full of mange and also so full of love. She loves all being big and small and can melt your heart with one look. She has been a gift to me and to my 13 year old border collie ever since.. xoxoxox

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