Voting Ends 8/31/2024 at 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time



85 votes

Fundraising Goal

Raised $85
Goal $100
Owner's Name
Michele Ruppert

San Diego

Pet's Quirks
His nickname is Sarge, because he walks around like panther making sure everyone is doing well!

Pet's Story
Zephyr was given to me by my neighbor. I would see Zephyr every day waiting for his Dad to come home from work on the patio from my kitchen, and every day I would say to myself, Zephyr's going to be my cat some day. Then my neighbor found the love of his life, whom he later married, but she was allergic to cats, so he asked me if I would take him and I did! Also, I call him Z-Man because he's The Man of the household with me and two other female cats, Bambi and PattyCakes.

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Sponsored By
San Diego Humane Society
5500 Gaines Street
San Diego, CA 92110
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